It’s so easy to get caught up in our own day-to-day lives that we sometimes forget how many other people in the world need help. Getting too wrapped up in our own lives not only takes time away that we could be helping others. It can often have a negative... [read more]
Love animals? Even if you do, you probably don’t see many exotic animals in your day-to-day life. If you want to be exposed to some of the wildest animals on earth, you need to head to Chehaw. Chehaw in South Georgia is nature’s playground, and it boasts some of the... [read more]
Come celebrate the 4th of July at Thomasville’s annual Fireworks and Festivities event! Bring the whole family to Remington Park for an evening of fun and games, plus great food and live music. When the sun has set and the stars come out, a fireworks display will light up the... [read more]
Truly unique jewelry and accessories are a real treasure whether they're made from precious stones or something a little less expected. How about spent bullet shells, for example? That outside-the-box thinking is what inspired the first pair of earrings from what would become SouthLife Supply Co., and it's what continues... [read more]
While an independent bookstore already serves as a community’s connection to a vast wealth of knowledge and entertainment, the team at The Bookshelf make the most of their space by hosting a variety of fun and enlightening events throughout the year. From story time with the kids to fascinating workshops,... [read more]